What is created by the Panorama plugin as part of the infrastructure setup in Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud?
What is created by the Panorama plugin as part of the infrastructure setup in Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud?
The Panorama plugin in AWS cloud infrastructure setup creates NAT Gateway subnets, Security VPC with GWLB Endpoints, and route tables. It does not create an AWS Transit Gateway (TGW).
Answer is C: As part of the infrastructure setup on the AWS cloud, the plugin creates Security VPC with GWLB Endpoints, firewalls, and NAT Gateway subnets and route tables. The plugin does not create AWS Transit Gateway (TGW). https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/vm-series/10-1/vm-series-deployment/set-up-the-vm-series-firewall-on-aws/panorama-orchestrated-deployment-in-aws
As part of the infrastructure setup on the AWS cloud, the plugin creates Security VPC with GWLB Endpoints, firewalls, and NAT Gateway subnets and route tables. The plugin does not create AWS Transit Gateway (TGW). VM-Series firewall can inspect traffic routed between the VPCs.