When backing up and saving configuration files, what is achieved using only the firewall and is not available in Panorama?
When backing up and saving configuration files, what is achieved using only the firewall and is not available in Panorama?
When backing up and saving configuration files, exporting the device state is an action that is uniquely available on the firewall and not through Panorama. This option allows you to collect a comprehensive backup containing the firewall's configuration, including the operational state and other critical details which are specific to the individual firewall device. Panorama, which is a centralized management tool for Palo Alto Networks firewalls, does not provide a direct option to export the device state in the same manner.
Export device state: C
C https://knowledgebase.paloaltonetworks.com/KCSArticleDetail?id=kA10g000000ClgKCAS
Correct Answer
Sort of the same idea, but this article is better because it isn't a loaded question: https://knowledgebase.paloaltonetworks.com/KCSArticleDetail?id=kA10g000000ClRcCAK
Answer = C Export device state "there is no "Export Device State" option available on the WebGUI of the Panorama" https://knowledgebase.paloaltonetworks.com/KCSArticleDetail?id=kA10g000000ClgKCAS
C. Export device state. Checked in a lab
Device state file is including both local and panorama configuration. C is not the right answers. I would say B.
Wrong, it's C do more research Bulkozore.
C seems most correct, but you can export the device state in panorama via CLI
C is correct