Which three categories are identified as best practices in the Best Practice Assessment tool? (Choose three.)
Which three categories are identified as best practices in the Best Practice Assessment tool? (Choose three.)
The Best Practice Assessment (BPA) tool is designed to evaluate and improve the security posture of an organization by adhering to best practices. The categories identified as best practices in this context typically include the use of device management access and settings to ensure secure device operations, the measure of the adoption of URL filters, App-ID, and User-ID to enhance security controls and monitoring, and the use of decryption policies to inspect encrypted traffic for potential threats. Identifying sanctioned and unsanctioned SaaS applications and exposing the visibility and presence of command-and-control sessions are important security measures but are not primarily categorized as BPA best practices.
I think that A is correct.
A, D and E are correct
ADE are correct
ADE correct
Only A, D and E make sense