To list NGFW pods connected to a management plane, which Panorama CLI command should be used?
To list NGFW pods connected to a management plane, which Panorama CLI command should be used?
To list NGFW pods connected to a management plane using the Panorama CLI, the correct command is 'requests plugins vm-series list-dp-pods'. This command is specifically designed to provide a list of the NGFW pods connected to the management plane and their license status, which directly answers the query.
I didnt find the command, anyone can give reference link for the answer
The correct answer is C In the study module of CN-Series: Trobleshooting, the definition of "request plugins vm-series list-dp-pods " is "List the NGFW pods connected to this MP and license status"
The correct answer is C In module of CN-Series: Trobleshoting de definition of "request plugins vm-series list-dp-pods " is "List the NGFW pods connected to this MP and license status"
"A" is the closets to the real answer. There is no documentation on this, so I installed the kubernetes plugin on my lab Panorama. The real command is "request plugins kubernetes get-license-info". The description for this command is "Get the number of tokens and pods running in all clusters". If you're curious, install the plugin yourself and browse to the API operational commands for the plugin: https://{youPanoramaIP}/php/rest/browse.php/op::request::plugins::kubernetes
The correct answer is C, questions is about Connected Pod and not License check Troubleshoot section
I believe the Palo Alto CLI command should be Kubecti get pods