Which two statements are true about CURRENT_TIMESTAMP? (Choose two.)
Which two statements are true about CURRENT_TIMESTAMP? (Choose two.)
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns the current date and time in the session time zone and as such, its value varies depending on the setting of SESSIONTIMEZONE, validating the first statement. It also returns a value of the data type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, which aligns with the second statement asserting it returns a value of the data type TIMESTAMP.
AB should be the correct answer
A seems 100%. B is correct if you consider timestamp as the overarching data type of timestamp with time zone and timestamp with local time zone. However if D says current_date then I like AD over AB.
select tzname, tz_offset(tzname) from v$timezone_names; select tzname, tz_offset(tzname) from v$timezone_names where tzname = 'America/Anchorage'; alter session set time_zone='America/Anchorage'; select sessiontimezone, current_timestamp, dbtimezone, systimestamp from dual; select current_time from dual; A → OK. B → NOOK: Returns TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. C → NOOK: No, in the SESSIONTIMEZONE.. D → CURRENT_TIME doesn’t exist. E → NOOK: No, in the SESSIONTIMEZONE. F → NOOK. SYSTIMESTMP returns date based on DBSTIMEZONE.
Checked on my own, got the same conclusions. Not sure which ones are correct then
I would say A and D (here it should probably be CURRENT_DATE): https://www.pass4success.com/oracle/discussions/exam-1z0-071-topic-14-question-52-discussion (suggested answers in this link are false, true is B, C)
A & B are correct! C & E are incorrect because CURRENT_TIMESTAMP reflects the session time zone, not DBTIMEZONE
A - Is correct D - Should be either CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or CURRENT_DATE