Examine this statement which executes successfully:
Which is true?
Examine this statement which executes successfully:
Which is true?
The given SQL statement uses an INSERT ALL statement with conditional logic to insert records into different tables based on specific conditions. The SELECT statement specifies that only employee records with employee_id less than 125 are considered. If the salary is greater than 20000, the record is inserted into the special_sal table. Otherwise, the record is inserted into both the sal_history and mgr_history tables. Thus, regardless of salary, if the employee_id is less than 125, EMPLOYEE_ID, MANAGER_ID, and SALARY will be inserted into the MGR_HISTORY table.
D is correct
The condition from subquery is same for all tables i.e. data from sub query comes with employee_id > 125 if the sal > 2000 then values will insert in Special_sal if the sal <2000 then values will insert in SAL_HISOTORY & MGR_HISTORY CHATGPT IS WRONG 100%. D is Correct
In INSERT ALL we can have multiple INTO clauses under conditional statements. So both INTO statement will be executed under ELSE condition.
Using chatgpt4, answer given is C. someone pls verify Expected Outcome Based on Conditions: For employee_id = 100 with salary = 25000: Meets SAL > 20000, so data is inserted into special_sal. Data is also inserted into mgr_history because the condition for the mgr_history table insertion doesn't depend on the salary. For employee_id = 110 with salary = 18000: Does not meet SAL > 20000, so data is inserted into sal_history. Data is also inserted into mgr_history regardless of the salary because there's no conditional logic preventing this in the provided statement. For employee_id = 120 with salary = 21000: Meets SAL > 20000, so data is inserted into special_sal. Data is also inserted into mgr_history regardless of the salary.
C is correct you can CHATGPT