What is the result?
What is the result?
The main method creates a new Manager object named 'AA', with two Employee reports, 'BB' and 'CC'. When the Manager's toString method is called, it returns the Manager's name followed by 'Manager: None' since the Manager object has no manager assigned, and 'Reports: 2' indicating the number of report employees. Thus, the output is 'AA Manager: None Reports: 2'.
B. AA Manager: None Reports: 2 The output indicates that the manager named “AA” has two reports (employees) named “BB” and “CC”. The manager’s information is displayed, including the number of reports.
Sorry b is correct maked bad option => AA Manager:no managerReports:2 IS CORRECT
AA Manager:no managerReports:2 IS CORRECT print manager Name = AA + Manager: none + manager reports : 2 method in main create a manager with two employess but without manager of himself.
B is correct