Which method should be used to convert a single-instance Oracle 19c Database to a RAC Database?
Which method should be used to convert a single-instance Oracle 19c Database to a RAC Database?
The correct method to convert a single-instance Oracle 19c Database to a RAC Database involves using the rconfig utility to migrate the database to shared storage and then using DBCA to start one or more RAC database instances on the cluster. rconfig is specifically designed to handle the migration to shared storage, which is a critical step in setting up RAC. Afterward, DBCA can be used to manage the RAC instances.
A. Incorrect: rconfig used for template, not storage migration. DBCA does not start RAC instances. B. Incorrect: DBCA does not migrate to shared storage. Oversimplifies RAC instance startup. C. Correct: rconfig for template creation. DBCA for creating RAC database from template. D. Incorrect: DBCA can create template but insufficient for RAC setup. Ignores necessary RAC configuration steps.
Looks like D https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/racad/converting-single-instance-oracle-databases-to-oracle-rac-and-oracle-rac-one-node.html#GUID-ABE5F623-FC13-44A1-83AD-444FABBB542C