What does Replication Factor 2 (RF2) refer to?
What does Replication Factor 2 (RF2) refer to?
Replication Factor 2 (RF2) refers to the number of copies of data written in the cluster. When RF2 is enabled, it indicates that there are two copies of the same data in the cluster, enhancing data durability and availability.
Replication Factor 2 (RF2) refers to the number of copies of data written in the cluster. When RF2 is enabled, the Nutanix Distributed File System (NDFS) will create two copies of the data, resulting in higher levels of data durability and availability. Reference: https://next.nutanix.com/how-it-works-22/redundancy-factor-vs-replication-factor-37486#:~:text=What%20is%20Replication%20factor%20(RF,(including%20data%20in%20Oplog).
D. Number of copies of data written in the cluster