A configuration is single domain, single forest, and does not use SSL.
Which port number should be used to configure LDAP?
A configuration is single domain, single forest, and does not use SSL.
Which port number should be used to configure LDAP?
When configuring LDAP for a single domain, single forest setup without the use of SSL, the standard port number used is 389. Port 389 is the default port for non-secure LDAP traffic. The other port options are used under different conditions such as SSL or multiple domain configurations: Port 636 for LDAP over SSL, Port 3268 for LDAP with Global Catalog for non-SSL, and Port 3269 for LDAP with Global Catalog over SSL.
Port 389 (LDAP). Use this port number (in the following URL form) when the configuration is single domain, single forest, and not using SSL. Port 636 (LDAPS). Use this port number (in the following URL form) when the configuration is single domain, single forest, and using SSL. This requires all Active Directory Domain Controllers have properly installed SSL certificates. Port 3268 (LDAP - GC). Use this port number when the configuration is multiple domain, single forest, and not using SSL. Port 3269 (LDAPS - GC). Use this port number when the configuration is multiple domain, single forest, and using SSL.