Which statement is true about access levels for NetSuite permissions?
Which statement is true about access levels for NetSuite permissions?
The Edit access level in NetSuite indeed allows users to create new, view existing, and edit existing records, but it does not permit deleting records. This is a factual statement in comparison to the other options provided.
"Any user with view access to a record type has the ability to print records of that type"
I think the correct answer is "B. The Edit access level does not allow deleting records." view permission can print the transaction!!
EDIT - User has access to create new, view existing, and edit existing files. The user cannot delete existing files.
NONE - User doesn’t have access to existing files. The user cannot create new, view existing, edit existing, or delete existing files. This access level makes the Restrict column in the Custom Record subtab invalid. For more information, see Setting Permissions. VIEW - User has access to view existing files only. The user cannot create new, edit existing, or delete existing files. CREATE - User can create new and view existing files. The user cannot edit or delete existing files. EDIT - User has access to create new, view existing, and edit existing files. The user cannot delete existing files. FULL - User has access to create new files and view, edit, and delete existing files.
Maged88 is correct. The correct answer is B https://suiteanswers.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/9894/loc/en_US
B, confirmed in NetSuite
B. The Edit access level does not allow deleting records. EDIT - User has access to create new, view existing, and edit existing records. The user cannot delete existing records. Generally, any user with at least VIEW access to a record has the ability to print records of that type.