Which preference allows users to enter a quantity higher than the quantity’ committed for an item on an Item Fulfillment form?
Which preference allows users to enter a quantity higher than the quantity’ committed for an item on an Item Fulfillment form?
The preference 'Allow Overage on Item Fulfillments' enables users to enter a quantity higher than the quantity committed for an item on an Item Fulfillment form. This is useful in scenarios where additional quantities need to be shipped beyond the initial commitment due to changes in order details or customer requirements. By enabling this preference, businesses can maintain flexibility in their fulfillment operations and adapt more dynamically to varying demands.
Correct Answer : D
Allow Overage on IF
D. Allow Overage on Item Fulfillments The preference **"Allow Overage on Item Fulfillments"** enables users to enter a quantity higher than the quantity committed for an item on an Item Fulfillment form. This setting is particularly useful in scenarios where additional quantities need to be shipped beyond what was initially committed due to changes in order details or customer requirements. By enabling this preference, businesses can enhance flexibility in their fulfillment operations and adapt more dynamically to varying demands.