A company would like to add the same disclaimer message that prints in the footer of its PDF Invoices.
Which action should the Administrator take?
A company would like to add the same disclaimer message that prints in the footer of its PDF Invoices.
Which action should the Administrator take?
To add a disclaimer message that prints in the footer of PDF invoices, the administrator should edit the custom Invoice form and enter the message in the Disclaimer field. The Disclaimer field is specifically designed for such messages and will ensure the text is consistently included in the correct portion of the invoice.
**Correction** for PDFs printing type has to Advanced then add Disclaimer to invoice PDF template
But I agree with an A, can you please explain more why you are choosing C.
Answer is A. Disclaimer field exists on invoice forms
A is the right answer. Refer https://suiteanswers.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61572/loc/en_US
I agree with A.