Which payment gateway integrations support voiding authorizations from within NetSuite? (Choose two.)
Which payment gateway integrations support voiding authorizations from within NetSuite? (Choose two.)
Merchant e-Solutions and CyberSource are the payment gateway integrations that support voiding authorizations from within NetSuite. Voiding authorizations typically involves canceling a previously authorized transaction before it is settled. Not all payment gateways offer this feature, but Merchant e-Solutions and CyberSource are known to support it, ensuring that any authorized but unsettled amounts can be voided directly through the NetSuite interface.
Voids – process requests for voiding authorizations. Only CyberSource and MerchantE support voiding authorizations Ref - https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/section_N1572588.html#bridgehead_4595030256