You want to use ANA on SUSE Enterprise Linux.
Which two components need to be verified in this scenario? (Choose two.)
You want to use ANA on SUSE Enterprise Linux.
Which two components need to be verified in this scenario? (Choose two.)
To use ANA (Asymmetric Namespace Access) on SUSE Enterprise Linux, it is essential to verify two key components. First, you need to ensure that the ANA driver is installed because it is vital for handling multipath configurations inherent to ANA. Second, verifying the version of ONTAP is crucial as different versions provide varying levels of support and compatibility for ANA functionalities. Ensuring the correct ONTAP version supports ANA under your specific SUSE Enterprise Linux setup will prevent potential configuration and operational issues.
A y C the versión Ontap +9.4
ANA Supportability NVMe/FC is supported on ONTAP 9.6 or later for the following versions of SLES: SLES15 SP1 host can run both NVMe/FC, & FCP traffic through the same fiber channel initiator adapter ports.