You need to meet the technical requirements for VNetwork1.
What should you do first?
You need to meet the technical requirements for VNetwork1.
What should you do first?
To meet the technical requirements for VNetwork1, the first step is to create a new subnet on VNetwork1 specifically for deploying the Azure Firewall. This subnet must be named AzureFirewallSubnet. Azure Firewall requires a dedicated subnet with this exact name in order to be properly configured and deployed within the virtual network. Creating this subnet ensures that the network structure is compatible with the deployment of Azure Firewall, meeting the specified technical requirements.
Indeed. VNet1 has not subnet for AzureFirewall. Create a new subnet for AzureFirewall named as exactly as AzureFirewallSubnet.
VNET1 is for Sub1. The scope of the question is the virtual network VNetwork1 under the subscription Sub2.
A, for sure.
A. Create a new subnet on VNetwork1.
Correct Answer: A
A is the answer. Under Subnet name, select default and change it to AzureFirewallSubnet. The firewall will be in this subnet, and the subnet name must be AzureFirewallSubnet. The size of the AzureFirewallSubnet subnet is /26.
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## Exam Question - 17 Sept 2021 ##
firewall, baston, gateway all require dedicated subnet
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Passed. Exam duration 100 min + 20. On the Microsoft site: You will have 100 minutes to complete this assessment. Last Updated 04/30/2024 55 questions (46+9) contoso, 6 questions This question in exam (study case) My answer Create a new subnet on VNetwork1. New 3 or 4 questions VM1, SQL1, VNET1, AKS in Google Cloud. What items are protected by Microsoft Defender & default period scan.
in exam oct. 31st
A is correct answer
Correct answer. In exam Dec'21. 40 questions, 1 case study, no labs..
Answer A is correct. In this case: the tutorial also tells "the subnet name must be AzureFirewallSubnet"
#exam ques # 29 Sep