When starting a program with the nice command without any additional parameters, which nice level is set for the resulting process?
When starting a program with the nice command without any additional parameters, which nice level is set for the resulting process?
When starting a program with the nice command without any additional parameters, the nice level for the resulting process is set to 0, which is the default nice value.
A process that has been left alone is set to 0, the original niceness. Default nice value is if you use nice without adding a specific value, going with the default, which is 10. C is correct.
The correct answer is C. 10 When you use the nice command without specifying a nice value, it defaults to adding 10 to the current nice value of the process. Since the default nice value for a process is 0, the resulting nice value for the started program will be 10.
Used only a nice [vmitkov@FOEYLMZF5S:~]$ nice 0
nice default is 10