A router running IS-IS is configured with an ISO address of 49.0001.00a0.c96b.c490.00.
Which part of this address is the system ID?
A router running IS-IS is configured with an ISO address of 49.0001.00a0.c96b.c490.00.
Which part of this address is the system ID?
In an ISO address used by IS-IS, the system ID is typically a 6-byte (12 hexadecimal digits) value located within the address. The address 49.0001.00a0.c96b.c490.00 includes the system ID '00a0.c96b.c490' which matches the format and location for the system identifier within the ISO address. Therefore, the system ID is 00a0.c96b.c490.
NET (Network Entity Title) consists of: 49—AFI 0001—Area ID 00a0.c96b.c490—System identifier 00—Selector