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Question 26

What is defined as an unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of a service?

    Correct Answer: A

    An incident is defined as an unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of a service. This interruption may involve a failure or degradation of service, impacting its availability or performance.

asdfg1234qwertyOption: A

incident is a single unplanned event that causes a service while problem is a cause or potential cause of one or more incidents.

cleonleonOption: A

A is correct

APAmalaysiaOption: A

ANSWER A Incident An unplanned interruption to a service or reduction in the quality of a service.

TiksOption: A

A is right

holymollyOption: A

A is the correct one If you need full questions touch me at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="e68b898a8a9fc8818794928388a68993928a89898dc885898b">[email protected]</a>

mirmahOption: A

A est la bonne

certgreedOption: A

correct answer is A

bigpete975Option: A

A is correct.