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Question 47

How is an object stored within an object storage system?

    Correct Answer: A

    In an object storage system, each object is stored with a unique identifier, known as a key. This key-value pairing allows for efficient storage and retrieval of objects. Unlike traditional hierarchical file systems that use tree structures, object storage systems maintain a flat structure, facilitating scalability and easy management.

DA95Option: A

An object is typically stored in an object storage system as a collection of data associated with a unique identifier, known as the "key". The key is used to retrieve the object from the system. The object itself can be stored in a variety of ways, such as in a flat file system, a database, or a tree structure. The specific method used to store the object will depend on the particular object storage system being used.

nachoqueenOption: A

"In the case of object storage, data is saved as objects by associating metadata with it. This “Key + Value” (metadata and object) format is compatible with modern data formats and retrieval needs." Reference: https://www.ridge.co/blog/what-is-object-storage/

ggxOption: D

Databases use key-value store.

akg001Option: A

A. Key value

tomresOption: D

Object storage - data is stored as objects, arranged in a hierarchical structure, like a file tree, so D is correct

kns20Option: D

this should be D, object storage typically stores in hierarchical , not key-value which is typical of database


Object storage is flat not hierarchical. key-value is correct


The link you shared says "Object storage, also known as object-based storage, is a flat structure in which files are broken into pieces and spread out among hardware." so key-value is correct

TheFivePipsOption: A

A. Key value: In an object storage system, each object is stored with a unique identifier, known as a key. This key-value pairing allows for the storage and retrieval of objects based on their unique key. D. Tree structure: A tree structure is typically used in hierarchical file systems and directories, not in object storage systems. Object storage is flat, meaning there isn't a hierarchy of folders and subfolders. In the context of object storage systems, objects themselves are typically stored in a flat namespace without inherent hierarchical organization. Here's why: Unlike traditional file systems that use a hierarchical directory structure (tree structure), object storage systems do not impose directories or folders on objects. Are designed to scale horizontally across multiple storage nodes. A flat namespace simplifies the management and distribution of objects across these nodes, allowing for efficient scaling and access. Objects in object storage systems often include metadata (attributes or tags) that describe the object's characteristics or usage. Metadata provides flexibility and additional context without the need for hierarchical organization.

rodleeOption: D

FALSEEEEE its D and bnot A

nelombgOption: A

Key value is the correct answer

nelombgOption: A


Pika26Option: A

A. Key value

