Which of the following describes a third-party network that connects an organization specifically with its trading partners?
Which of the following describes a third-party network that connects an organization specifically with its trading partners?
A Value-added network (VAN) is a third-party network that connects an organization specifically with its trading partners. VANs are used to facilitate electronic data interchange and other communication services between businesses, ensuring smooth and secure data transfers. Unlike other types of networks, such as LAN, MAN, or WAN, which are more generalized and serve broader purposes, VANs are tailored for inter-business communication.
Agree its VAN.
It is definitely A! Value Added Networks (VANs) are third-party service providers that facilitate the exchange of electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions between trading partners. They act as intermediaries that receive, validate, translate, and route EDI transactions between businesses, ensuring smooth and secure communication. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://commport.com/value-added-network-complete-guide/&ved=2ahUKEwiVkNCkm4OEAxXcavEDHXETBToQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw2ZuXguuPhbavEDs-cd2UTx
A is the right answer
Shouldn't be A?