Which of the following is an appropriate role for the board in governance?
Which of the following is an appropriate role for the board in governance?
One appropriate role for the board in governance is ensuring that the financial statements are understandable, transparent, and reliable. This aligns with the board's responsibility to provide oversight and ensure accountability for financial reporting, thereby safeguarding the interests of stakeholders. Preparing written policies, assisting internal audits, or developing litigation strategies are tasks more aligned with management or specialist roles rather than the governance oversight provided by the board.
Why is the answer B? Isn't the responsibility for the financial statements with Management?
the answer is B becos the other 3 are the roles of the senior management.
I would think that management implements, while the Board oversees (ensures).
It can be B under the principle that governance provides transparent disclosure of key information. But it can also C under effective use of Assurance providers. So confusing.
D is quite confusing bcz is mentioned strategy