According to IIA guidance, which of the following would not be a consideration for the internal audit activity (IAA) when determining the need to follow-up on recommendations?
According to IIA guidance, which of the following would not be a consideration for the internal audit activity (IAA) when determining the need to follow-up on recommendations?
The internal audit activity would not consider the amount of resources required to conduct the follow-up activities when determining the need to follow-up on recommendations. According to IIA guidance, considerations for follow-up typically focus on elements related to the issues' potential impact, complexity, and effort needed for correction, not on the resources required to perform the follow-up itself.
Same question. Why not A? I think there's a same question from other volumes but the answer was the same as A.
Glime part-2 bölüm 9.7 Görev Sonuçlarının İzlenmesi; Takip ve Görev süresi a. Rapor edilenlerin önem derecesi b. Düzeltici eylemin gerektirdiği çaba ve faaliyet c. Düzeltici eylemde başarısız olunmasının yol açacağı etkiler d. Düzeltici eylemin karmaşıklığı e. Gereken süre
Why not A?