Which DB2 Explain Facility tool uses the Explain tables to display access plain information?
Which DB2 Explain Facility tool uses the Explain tables to display access plain information?
The DB2 Explain Facility tool that uses the Explain tables to display access plan information is db2exfmt. This tool reads and formats the contents of the EXPLAIN tables to give a detailed analysis of the access plan chosen for SQL statements.
Correct Answer : D- db2exfmt http://vinaysdb2blog.blogspot.com/2018/10/which-is-better-db2expln-or-db2exfmt.html
The tool db2exfmt formats the contents of the EXPLAIN tables. This tool is in the misc subdirectory of the instance sqllib directory. This tool uses the statistics from the EXPLAIN snapshot, if the snapshot is available. The db2expln tool describes the access plan selected for SQL and XQuery statements. Use the tool to obtain a quick explanation of the chosen access plan when explain data was not captured. For static SQL and XQuery statements, db2expln examines the packages stored in the system catalog tables. For dynamic SQL and XQuery statements, db2expln examines the query cache sections.