A system administrator has just enabled HPEL in the environment.
How can the administrator examine the logged data?
A system administrator has just enabled HPEL in the environment.
How can the administrator examine the logged data?
High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) is a specialized logging facility in WebSphere Application Server that allows administrators to efficiently view and manage logged data. The administrative console is a comprehensive tool within WebSphere that provides the ability to examine various types of log data, including HPEL logs. Therefore, the correct method for an administrator to examine HPEL logged data is by using the administrative console.
Correct Answer is B: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/wasdtfe?topic=cwas-switching-hpel-mode-logging-tracing-websphere-application-server-v85-later
I think the correct is A
I think the correct is A