A report author wants to reduce the number of columns in a list by moving the related information into a single column.
What is the first action that needs to be performed?
A report author wants to reduce the number of columns in a list by moving the related information into a single column.
What is the first action that needs to be performed?
To reduce the number of columns in a list by moving related information into a single column, the first action that needs to be performed is to right-click the column header and unlock the cell. This will enable the modifications necessary to combine the related information into one column.
answer correct is D You can reduce the number of columns in the list by putting related information in a single column Procedure: Click the More icon the more icon, and then click Locked to unlock the report. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ug_cr_rptstd.doc/t_cr_rptstd_modrep_add_multiple_items_column.html#cr_rptstd_modrep_add_multiple_items_column
D is correct