What is the primary use case for creating an index with the RANDOM option on a table?
What is the primary use case for creating an index with the RANDOM option on a table?
The primary use case for creating an index with the RANDOM option on a table is to minimize contention due to ascending key or descending key inserts, especially in a pureScale environment. The RANDOM option helps to distribute the workload more evenly across the index pages, reducing hotspots and contention when multiple transactions are trying to insert data into the same area of an index concurrently.
The correct answer is "C. Minimize contention due to ascending key or descending key inserts, especially in a pureScale environment " DB2® Version 10.5 adds a type of random ordering for index key columns. Random ordering on index columns helps to alleviate page contention on frequently accessed pages in certain insert scenarios. This new function focuses specifically on index leaf pages that are accessed frequently in a DB2 pureScale® environment. See reference : https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEPGG_10.5.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.wn.doc/doc/c0060945.html