Which optional NPS compatibility features will be activated by executing the following? (Choose two.)
Which optional NPS compatibility features will be activated by executing the following? (Choose two.)
The optional NPS (Netezza Performance Server) compatibility features activated by setting SQL_COMPAT='NPS' include the Double-dot notation to specify a database object and the TRANSLATE (char-string-exp, from-string-exp, to-string-exp) scalar function syntax. These features align with the NPS SQL syntax, enabling easier migration and compatibility for SQL scripts and queries.
Answer is correct https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2woc?topic=compatibility-features-netezza-platform-software-nps
Some NPS compatibility features (such as equivalent data type names and the DATASLICEID pseudocolumn) are always active; others are active only if the SQL_COMPAT global variable is set to 'NPS'. - Data type aliases - DATASLICEID pseudocolumn - Routines written in NZPLSQL - Double-dot notation -TRANSLATE scalar function syntax - Operators - Grouping by SELECT clause columns - Expressions refer to column aliases https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEPGG_11.1.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.apdv.porting.doc/doc/c_compat_nz.html