What command creates a secret with the key "my-password" and the value "53cr3t" at path "my-secrets" within the KV secrets engine mounted at "secret"?
What command creates a secret with the key "my-password" and the value "53cr3t" at path "my-secrets" within the KV secrets engine mounted at "secret"?
The correct command to create a secret with a specific key and value in the KV secrets engine is 'vault kv put'. The path to the new secret is 'secret/my-secrets', and the data format must be in key=value pairs. Thus, the command should be 'vault kv put secret/my-secrets my-password=53cr3t', aligning closely with option D, given a minor syntax fix.
Answer is A wrong. vault kv put secret/my-secret/my-password test Failed to parse K=V data: invalid key/value pair "test": format must be key=value vault kv put secret/my-secret/my-password user=test I have tested on my local machine. Thanks
The answer is D with modification vault kv put secret/my-secret password=53cr3t
The right command to create a key is 'vault kv put', the path to our new key is "secret/my-secrets/my-password" and it's value is "53cr3t". A has the correct syntax per https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/commands/kv#examples in the documentation.