How many bytes does it take to represent the hexadecimal value OxFEDCBA?
How many bytes does it take to represent the hexadecimal value OxFEDCBA?
The hexadecimal value 0xFEDCBA consists of 6 hexadecimal digits. Each hexadecimal digit represents 4 bits, which means every 2 hexadecimal digits (or 8 bits) form 1 byte. Therefore, 6 hexadecimal digits correspond to 3 bytes.
The hexadecimal value 0xFEDCBA represents 32 bytes. Each hexadecimal character corresponds to 4 bits, and two hexadecimal characters together form a byte (8 bits) 1. So, 0xFEDCBA is equivalent to 32 bytes or 256 bits. The correct answer is D. 6.
D, I think.