An LTM Specialist must perform a hot fix installation from the command line.
What is the correct procedure to ensure that the installation is successful?
An LTM Specialist must perform a hot fix installation from the command line.
What is the correct procedure to ensure that the installation is successful?
To perform a hot fix installation on an LTM system from the command line, you need to follow a specific procedure. Firstly, import the hot fix to the /var/shared/images directory and check the integrity of the file using an md5 checksum to ensure it's not corrupted. The command to install the hot fix is 'tmsh install sys software hotfix <hotfix_name>.iso volume <volume_name>'. This method and the command sequence ensure a successful installation.
Answer seems to be cutoff. import the hot fix to the /shared/images directory check the integrity of the file with an md5 checksum; tmsh install sys software hotfix <hotfix_name>.iso volume <volume_name>
The question is about the procedure to ensure the installation will be successful. Not the full installation procedure.
D - Correct Verify the MD5 checksum of the hotfix image After the hotfix files are imported on the BIG-IP system, and before you perform the installation, F5 recommends that you test the integrity of the ISO file to ensure file quality. To do so, perform the following procedure: Impact of procedure: Performing the following procedure should not have a negative impact on your system. Log in to the command line. To change to the /shared/images directory, type the following command: cd /shared/images To verify the hotfix file integrity, use the following command syntax: md5sum --check <hotfix.md5>
D is correct. C is not correct because the command: tmsh apply sys....