What does the BIG-IP_add script do?
What does the BIG-IP_add script do?
The BIG-IP_add script is used to add an existing GTM System to a sync group. This process involves establishing iQuery communication and synchronizing SSL certificates between the systems to ensure they can effectively communicate and work together in the sync group configuration.
The bigip_add script is an interactive script that enables iQuery communication between the BIG-IP DNS sync group members and the remote BIG-IP LTM system. The bigip_add script appends the local BIG-IP DNS system's SSL certificate to the remote BIG-IP system's list of authorized certificates (contained in the /config/big3d/client.crt file). The script then appends the remote BIG-IP system's iQuery SSL certificate to the BIG-IP DNS system's local list of authenticated iQuery SSL certificates (/config/gtm/server.crt).