Which two are events that can be used to trigger GTM iRule data processing? (Choose two.)
Which two are events that can be used to trigger GTM iRule data processing? (Choose two.)
Events that can be used to trigger GTM iRule data processing include DNS_REQUEST and LB_FAILED. These are common events associated with Global Traffic Manager (GTM) in iRules, where DNS_REQUEST handles DNS queries to determine the best server and LB_FAILED manages load balancing failure scenarios.
A&B GTM DNS_REQUEST, DNS_RESPONSE, LB_FAILED, LB_SELECTED, RULE_INIT https://clouddocs.f5.com/api/irules/Events.html#:~:text=ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT%20-%20This%20event%20provides%20glue%20between%20iRule,assertion%20payload%20is%20generated%20for%20a%20user%20session.