Because of his longstanding reputation with the board of trustees, he did not have to make the normally required presentation of his proposal, therefore, the board was accused of failing to follow due process.
Because of his longstanding reputation with the board of trustees, he did not have to make the normally required presentation of his proposal, therefore, the board was accused of failing to follow due process.
In this sentence, 'therefore' serves as a conjunctive adverb that links two independent clauses. When a conjunctive adverb joins two independent clauses, a semicolon (;) is needed before the conjunctive adverb and a comma (,) follows it. Therefore, 'his proposal; therefore, the board' is the grammatically correct choice.
D his proposal, therefore the board
Why c is correct
Answer C
C is Correct
C is correct
The best answer is C
Correct answer is C, not D
D his proposal, therefore the board
his proposal, therefore, the board