A storage administrator is unable to terminate the TimeFinder SnapVX snapshot. What action should be performed by the administrator?
A storage administrator is unable to terminate the TimeFinder SnapVX snapshot. What action should be performed by the administrator?
To terminate a TimeFinder SnapVX snapshot, the storage administrator should verify that there are no linked targets or restore sessions. Snapshots that still have linked targets cannot be terminated, and any restore sessions must be terminated before the snapshot can be terminated. Ensuring that there are no linked or active sessions is a necessary step before attempting to terminate the snapshot.
Correct Answer is B Snapshots that have linked targets cannot be terminated. You must unlink the target before terminating. Terminating a snapshot that has a restored session would require terminating the restored session first, followed by terminating the snapshot. Use the terminate option to terminate the session
Correct Answer is c If a storage administrator is unable to terminate the TimeFinder SnapVX snapshot, they can use the symsnapvx command to terminate the snapshot 12. The command syntax for terminating a snapshot is as follows: symsnapvx -sid <sid> -sg <sg_name> -snap <snapshot_name> -snapid <snapset_id> terminate The -sid parameter specifies the Symmetrix ID of the device containing the snapshot 2. The -sg parameter specifies the name of the storage group containing the snapshot 2. The -snap parameter specifies the name of the snapshot to be terminated 2. The -snapid parameter specifies the ID of the snapshot set containing the snapshot 2.