Which of the following MLflow Model Registry use cases requires the use of an HTTP Webhook?
Which of the following MLflow Model Registry use cases requires the use of an HTTP Webhook?
When a model version transitions stages in the MLflow Model Registry, using an HTTP Webhook to send a message to a Slack channel is an appropriate use case. Webhooks are typically used for real-time notifications and integrations with external systems, such as messaging platforms like Slack. This allows team members to receive instant updates about important events in the model lifecycle.
E Sounds Correct!
"For example, you can trigger CI builds when a new model version is created or notify your team members through Slack each time a model transition to production is requested." Doc: https://docs.databricks.com/en/mlflow/model-registry-webhooks.html
E. Sending a message to a Slack channel when a model version transitions stages
E. Sending a message to a Slack channel when a model version transitions stages