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Question 68

Assuming that the Databricks CLI has been installed and configured correctly, which Databricks CLI command can be used to upload a custom Python Wheel to object storage mounted with the DBFS for use with a production job?

    Correct Answer: B

    The correct command for uploading a custom Python Wheel to object storage mounted with the DBFS for use with a production job is 'fs'. The 'fs' command in the Databricks CLI is used to interact with the Databricks File System (DBFS). Specifically, the 'fs cp' subcommand can be used to copy files from the local file system to DBFS, which includes uploading custom Python Wheels.

EnduresoulOption: B

Answer B is corrent: "... which Databricks CLI command can be used to upload a custom Python Wheel to object storage mounted with the DBFS ..." The question asks, how to upload the wheel. Not install it or configure it in a job. https://docs.databricks.com/en/archive/dev-tools/cli/dbfs-cli.html

arik90Option: B

databricks fs cp dist/<…>.whl dbfs:/some/place/appropriate

petrvOption: B

the question is about copying the file not about installing.

Curious76Option: D

Here's how you can use the libraries command to upload your wheel: Bash databricks libraries upload --file <path_to_wheel_file> --name <library_name>

ojudz08Option: C

this is a bit tricky, question is asked to upload custom Python Wheel, you can use fs command, but since it'll be used in production job, job command might be needed to perform databricks jobs operations? https://docs.databricks.com/en/dev-tools/cli/commands.html

Somesh512Option: B

Its asking to upload to DBFS and not install on cluster

aragorn_bregoOption: B

The Databricks CLI fs command is used for interacting with the Databricks File System (DBFS). You can use it to put files into DBFS, which includes uploading custom Python Wheels to a directory in DBFS. The fs command has subcommands like cp that can be used to copy files from your local file system to DBFS, which is backed by an object storage mounted with dbutils.fs.mount(). databricks fs cp my_package.whl dbfs:/mnt/my-mount-point/my_package.whl

mouad_attaqiOption: D

It is done using the command: databricks libraries install

sturcuOption: D

you can add a library section to the jobs command, but you can install a wheel with the library command

