Which of the following is true of Delta Lake and the Lakehouse?
Which of the following is true of Delta Lake and the Lakehouse?
Delta Lake automatically collects statistics on the first 32 columns of each table which are leveraged in data skipping based on query filters. This helps to optimize query performance by allowing the system to quickly determine which parts of the dataset do not need to be read based on the query conditions.
B is correct
B is correct since statistics are collected for the first 32 columns and stored in the transaction log.
B is correct
B is correct
Can anyone explain why D is not correct?
Because Primary & Foreign Key information is not enforced. "Primary and foreign keys are informational only and are not enforced" from: https://docs.databricks.com/en/tables/constraints.html#declare-primary-key-and-foreign-key-relationships
B is correct, C is error, con't have new cache in view
C is correct
B is correct. https://docs.delta.io/2.0.0/table-properties.html