A new domain controller has been added to your domain. You need to ensure the CyberArk infrastructure can use the new domain controller for authentication.
Which locations must you update?
A new domain controller has been added to your domain. You need to ensure the CyberArk infrastructure can use the new domain controller for authentication.
Which locations must you update?
To ensure the CyberArk infrastructure can use the new domain controller for authentication, you must update the Vault server in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to allow name resolution in lieu of DNS and update the PVWAApplication under Administration > LDAP Integration > Directories > Hosts to add the new domain controller for LDAP integration.
The answer is A. the first part is to allow name resolution in liue of DNS with the second part where you add the additional DC/Host. B. doesn't make sense noting the PVWA should be configured to use DNS, for C. the directory mappings should already be created and D. is irrelevant for a new DC. https://docs.cyberark.com/PAS/13.0/en/Content/PASREF/LDAP%20Integration%20-%20Introduction.htm#:~:text=and%20integrate%20with.-,Hosts,-These%20parameters%20define
Ans A https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/Latest/en/Content/PAS%20INST/Configuring-the-Vault-to-Recognize-Multiple-External-Directories.htm?tocpath=Administrator%7CUser%20Management%7CTransparent%20user%20management%20using%20LDAP%7C_____9