What is a step to enable NTP synchronization on a stand-alone Vault?
What is a step to enable NTP synchronization on a stand-alone Vault?
To enable NTP synchronization on a stand-alone Vault, you need to edit the dbparm.ini file and add a Firewall rule for the NTP address. This configuration ensures that the Vault server can synchronize its time settings with the NTP server, which is essential for maintaining accurate timekeeping and system reliability.
The answer to this one is definitely C. as the others are kind of ridiculous. https://docs.cyberark.com/PAS/Latest/en/Content/PAS%20INST/following-vault-Installation.htm?tocpath=Installation%7CInstall%20PAM%20-%20Self-Hosted%7CCyberArk%20Digital%20Vault%20installation%7CInstall%20a%20Primary-DR%20Environment%7C_____7#:~:text=firewall%20(machine/environment).-,Configure%20time%20synchronization%20on%20the%20Vault%20Server%20using%20NTP,-The%20Vault%20must
Ans C https://cyberark-customers.force.com/s/article/00001769