A customer has five PVWA servers. Three are located at the primary data center and the remaining two are at a satellite data center.
What is important to consider about the load balancer? (Choose two.)
A customer has five PVWA servers. Three are located at the primary data center and the remaining two are at a satellite data center.
What is important to consider about the load balancer? (Choose two.)
When considering load balancer requirements for multiple PVWA servers, it is crucial that the load balancer must not alter page content, or it should have a mechanism to prevent pages from being altered. This ensures the integrity and proper functionality of the web pages served by the PVWA servers. Additionally, the load balancer must support 'sticky sessions'. Sticky sessions ensure that once a user connects to a specific PVWA server for a session, they are consistently routed to the same server for the duration of their session. This is necessary for maintaining session state and ensuring a seamless user experience.
The answer is A. and B. which are both specified as limitations of load balanced PVWA installations. https://cyberark-customers.force.com/s/article/Load-Balancer-Implementation-with-PVWA-General-Guidelines https://docs.cyberark.com/PAS/Latest/en/Content/PAS%20INST/PVWA-install-multiple-PVWA-env.htm
1.The load balancer must not alter page content, or it should include a mechanism to prevent pages from being altered. 2.The load balancer must not alter the application path hierarchy (leave the default application path as it is). 3.The load balancer must support 'sticky sessions'. https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/Latest/en/Content/PAS%20INST/PVWA-install-multiple-PVWA-env.htm?TocPath=Installation%7CInstall%20PAM%20-%20Self-Hosted%7CInstall%20PVWA%7C_____8#MultiplePVWAsinasingleVaultenvironment
Answer is A and B. it is clearly mention on load balancer requirement Link: https://docs.cyberark.com/PAS/Latest/en/Content/PAS%20INST/PVWA-install-multiple-PVWA-env.htm