When onboarding multiple accounts from the Pending Accounts list, which associated setting must be the same across the selected accounts?
When onboarding multiple accounts from the Pending Accounts list, which associated setting must be the same across the selected accounts?
When onboarding multiple accounts from the Pending Accounts list, the associated setting that must be the same across the selected accounts is the Platform. This ensures that all accounts adhere to the same security policies and configurations during the onboarding process.
A. Platform (all accounts onboarded at the same time from pending must have the same platform) https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/12.1/en/Content/PASIMP/Onboarding-Accounts-and-SSH-Keys.htm?tocpath=End%20User%7CPrivileged%20Accounts%7CClassic%20Interface%7CAccounts%20Feed%7C_____4