Which statement is true about setting the reconcile account at the platform level?
Which statement is true about setting the reconcile account at the platform level?
A rule can be used to specify the reconcile account dynamically or a specific reconcile account can be selected. This means that the configuration allows for flexibility in how the reconcile account is set, providing options to define it either dynamically via a rule or manually by selecting a specific account.
D is correct. You can specify recon account at account level also.
ReconcileAccountName The name of the reconcile account or a dynamic rule to specify this value.
Correct answer c (below link section Reconciliation Account Password - Dynamic Rule in the table ) https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/12.6/en/Content/PASIMP/Configuring-Accounts-for-Automatic-Management.htm?tocpath=Administrator%7CComponents%7CCentral%20Policy%20Manager%7C_____3
C is correct.
C: https://docs.cyberark.com/pam-self-hosted/12.6/en/Content/PASIMP/Configuring-Accounts-for-Automatic-Management.htm Reconciliation Account Password A specific reconciliation account password is used to reset passwords that are reconciled. The reconciliation account password can either be defined specifically or dynamically.
Answer is D
The answer is A. https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/12.6/en/Content/PASIMP/Configuring-Accounts-for-Automatic-Management.htm?tocpath=Administrator%7CComponents%7CCentral%20Policy%20Manager%7C_____3