You want to add an additional maintenance user on the PSM for SSH.
How can you accomplish this if InstallCyberarkSSHD is set to Yes or No?
You want to add an additional maintenance user on the PSM for SSH.
How can you accomplish this if InstallCyberarkSSHD is set to Yes or No?
To add an additional maintenance user for the PSM for SSH when InstallCyberarkSSHD is set to Yes or No, you should create a local user called proxymng<number>. This is the recognized method for creating maintenance users, as they are identified by the naming convention of proxymng followed by a number.
The only logical answer could be B. as there is no such group as PSMMaintenance, the path in C. is missing a folder and is targeted towards InstallCyberarkSSHD config being set to “Integrated” and D. is not identified as a maintenance user.,proxymng,-proxymng%3Cnumber%3E
C looks more like installcyberarkSSHD is set to integrated. Then you use the allowgroups parameter. The question is about if set yes of no: And pathname misses a folder: ssh ..(etc\ssh\sshd_config)
The answer is B.
The answer is C: istrator%7CComponents%7CPrivileged%20Session%20Manager%20for%20SSH%7C_____3
The sshd_config file path is not /etc/sshd_config. The correct path is /etc/ssh/sshd_config. That is, answer C is invalid. The documentation is very clear, the proxymng user is recognized by default as a maintenance user, and to add additional maintenance users, just create proxymng<number>. When the maintenance user name does not follow the default name, in that case we need to keep adding these names (user_adm01, user_adm02, etc) in the sshd_config file following the documentation parameters. So, the correct answer is B.