Which item is an option for PSM recording customization?
Which item is an option for PSM recording customization?
The correct answer is that universal keystrokes text recorder can be an option if the windows events text recorder is disabled. This customization ensures that only one type of recording is active at a time, preventing conflicts between the two recording systems.
Answer is C: Universal keystroke recording and Windows events recording cannot be configured for the same PSM-RDP connection. Windows events recording is enabled for PSM-RDP connections by default. To enable universal keystrokes recording, first disable Windows events recording. From below URL: https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/13.0/en/Content/PASIMP/Configuring-Recordings-and-Audits-in-PSM.htm?tocpath=Administrator%7CComponents%7CPrivileged%20Session%20Manager%7CConfiguration%7C_____5#CustomizerecordingsinPSM
Universal keystrokes text recorder with windows events text recorder disabled: This is mentioned in the content. To enable universal keystrokes text recording, one must first disable Windows events text recording.
Concur with Taco Teo, the correct answer is C.
That link literally says it is impossible to run Text Recorder and Keystrokes through the same connection. So B can not be the answer.... It's C