Which three items does Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) require when adding an instances? (Choose three.)
Which three items does Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) require when adding an instances? (Choose three.)
When adding an instance to Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM), three critical components are required: the Site, the IP address, and the Profile. The Site is used to organize and manage instances based on geographical or logical groupings. The IP address is necessary for communication and management of each instance. The Profile contains vital credentials and settings required for ADM to manage the instance effectively, such as the username and password.
Should be ACE as per https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-application-delivery-management-software/current-release/configure/add-instances.html -Enter Device IP address, From Profile Name, select the appropriate instance profile,From Site, select the location
A. Site - ADM uses the concept of sites to organize and manage instances based on their geographical location or other logical groupings. C. IP address - Each instance must have a unique IP address that ADM uses for communication and management purposes. E. Profile - A profile contains the necessary credentials and settings that ADM uses to communicate with and manage the instance. This includes the username, password, and other configuration parameters.