A virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) is unable to register to the Delivery Controller.
Which three factors can be causing this issue? (Choose three.)
A virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) is unable to register to the Delivery Controller.
Which three factors can be causing this issue? (Choose three.)
Improperly configured firewalls can block the necessary communication ports required for the VDA to connect to the Delivery Controller, causing registration issues. Time differences between the VDA-enabled machines and the domain can result in Kerberos authentication failures, which will prevent the VDA from registering. Incorrectly configured Citrix policy in Active Directory, specifically policies that configure the list of Delivery Controllers, can lead to the VDA not being able to locate or communicate with the delivery controllers, causing registration to fail. While Citrix ICA service not running could cause other issues, it does not directly affect the registration of the VDA. Reverse DNS lookups are generally not necessary for registration, as forward DNS lookups are used to resolve the names of the Delivery Controllers.
Should it be A,B and E?
A,B and C are correct E is incorrect because itis about reverse DNS lookup zone record. In ListOfDDC registry or GPO setting you put DNS FQDN and DNS Forward lookup zone record is used to resolve the name to IP.
A,B and E. https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2018/02/13/the-most-common-vda-registration-issues-troubleshooting-steps/
That is what I believe as well. The ICA service would only affect the VDA from being able to use other published apps. There isn't a policy that would define the connection to the VDA.
But there is a Citrix policy (called "Controllers") where you specify List Of DDCs for VDA. Regardong answer "E" they mention reverse DNS lookup but VDA only needs to resolve DDC FQDN (if DDC is not specified by IP) however in blog pasted above they mention to ping DDC by FQDN from VDA and vice versa ping VDA from DDC by FQDN - means forward DNS lookup (not reverse)
A, B and C are correct. A and B are self explanatory. C because the names of the delivery controllers can be specified in a GPO and if they are wrong, it will cause registration to fail. I am pretty sure reverse DNS lookups are not an issue.