Drag and drop the Cisco DNA Center northbound API characteristics from the left to the right. Not all options are used.
Drag and drop the Cisco DNA Center northbound API characteristics from the left to the right. Not all options are used.
the answer is correct: key X= "multivendor focus" and "json exclusive"
sorry, I did not understand
Je ne pense pas que NorthBound API utilisent UNIQUEMENT JSON ! y'a aussi XML, YAML. Je me trompe ?
I think that the caracteristic of "support netconf,ssh,..." is for Southbound API (not northboud api).
Agree. -Given answer is correct.
It's Intent API + RESTful + JSON "The Intent API is a Northbound REST API that exposes specific capabilities of the Catalyst Center platform. The Intent API provides policy-based abstraction of business intent, allowing focus on an outcome rather than struggling with individual mechanisms steps. The RESTful Catalyst Center Intent API uses HTTPS verbs (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) with JSON structures to discover and control the network." https://developer.cisco.com/docs/dna-center/#!preface "These RESTful APIs simple, extensible, and secure. They support the standard HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. A REST endpoint accepts and returns HTTPS messages that contain JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) documents. You can use any programming language to generate the messages and the JSON documents that contain the API methods." https://developer.cisco.com/dnacenter/intentapis/
Correct, Thanks.
given answer is incorrect - referred to as Intent API - uses JSON exclusively - RESTful API based on HTTP methods The northbound APIs don´t support NETCONF, they are RESTful. RESTCONF supports JSON ans XML NETCONF supprts only XML so northbound APIs uses JSON exclusively The "southbound API" can configure traditional devices over Telnet, SSH, or SNMP. It can configure newer devices via NETCONF and RESTCONF. https://forum.huawei.com/enterprise/en/difference-between-the-restconf-and-netconf/thread/667259735243636736-667213852955258880#:~:text=Conclusion%3A-,RESTCONF,-supports%20the%20JSON
Referred to as Intent API RESTful API based on HTTP methods Uses JSON exclusively
sorry given answer is incorrect
Answer: API Intent uses JSON RESTful API
r R U This is the answear
refer to Q932 should be intent JSON RESTful
replace the third one with multivendor focus
Was wrong -Intent -JSON -RESTful