What is a Quarterly Success Review?
What is a Quarterly Success Review?
A Quarterly Success Review is a conversation that outlines the key initiatives that are agreed upon in the success plan. It is focused on reviewing the progress and discussing the initiatives that have been previously set, rather than creating new plans or performing technical analyses.
C "Conversation..." is the best answer.
Must be B. Taks during the QSR: Communicate success plan progress and understand how to adjust.
C. conversation that outlines the key initiatives that are agreed upon in the success plan
Answer is C as per the DTCSM section, watch the video and you will get the answer. B is wrong because "NEW" success plan is not created, QSR will review the existing Success Plan.
C is correct: "The QSR is usually a nontechnical discussion with customer executives that is based on the previously agreed upon key initiatives in the Success Plan. "
C Correct B wrong. QSR is about progress of the business outcomes noted in success plan. Not about future. D Wrong. QSR is a strategic analysis, not Technical.
DTCSM (section 3.4): example: “Success plan initiative review milestone progress and KPI analysis” B say "new", you do not do a _new_ Success plan, you use it as reference material for the QSR
It's "B" will be better ?