What are two characteristics of the NFV architecture approach? (Choose two.)
What are two characteristics of the NFV architecture approach? (Choose two.)
The NFV (Network Functions Virtualization) architecture approach includes the characteristic of decoupling network functions from proprietary hardware appliances, enabling flexible and scalable network services through software running on standard hardware. Additionally, an NFV environment typically includes a hypervisor, which is used to manage virtual machines that run the network functions, providing the necessary virtualization layer to support the decoupling of hardware and software.
none of these questions are valid anymore. I had exams for few times and got 0 out of 60
I believe the answer should be A and E. The statement "It provides 70% more efficiency of network infrastructure" is not entirely accurate. While NFV can improve network efficiency and reduce costs, the exact percentage of improvement will depend on various factors such as the type of network functions deployed, the hardware resources available, and the workload patterns. Therefore, this statement is not a characteristic of NFV. It's such a generalizing factor really. It's like comparing the benefits to be gained by a massive Hospital group to a tiny IT company start-up.
Also, it should make you question the % itself. Based on what is it 70% and on what scale?
im not sure about hypervisor, i´d chose A and E https://www.lightreading.com/virtualization/nfv-promises-cost-savings-of-nearly-70-study
based on the link you have there, answers should be A and B no?
my mistake, answers are A and B
A and B correct answers. A. It decouples the network functions from proprietary hardware appliances. B. It provides 70% more efficiency of network infrastructure.
VNF corresponds the acronim virtualization network function, that means that you can have in a server a Virtualize Firewall, Router, Switch, etc, without need of a physical metal element for each network function...... so its common that include hypervisor technology. That is different about guest-os which is when you activate a Linux instance in a iox, and run scripts or programs on your network element like run it on Linux.
Typically, Does VNF include guest-os not hypervisor?